Consistency is Key to Success
Persistence If you're looking for causes , tips & tricks for Consistency / Persistence, you have come to the right place!! Have you ever wondered why despite having all the motivation and complete plan of how you are gonna stick to your productivity tasks everyday, you still can't do it !! The consistency streak breaks even before it begins. Here we are gonna discuss the major symptoms of Lack of Persistence Lack of Persistence Failure to recognize and to clearly define what exactly what one wants. You should have a clear goal , don't think of multiple goals at a time, it will only confuse you more. Procrastination, with or without cause. Your brain will trick you to get that dopamine it wants , which will make you think of excuses to stop doing your work and engage in activities like social media, pornography , TV etc. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge. Sometimes your task can get boring which again comes as an excuse and you found yourself